User's Manual

channel frame number transmitted from access
channel preamble.
byte psist_0_9 0 As value on access overload grade(0~9), if
access pverload grade allows 0~9 MS to transmit
request to access channel, BS sets that as
continuous value to use this field and if not,
it sets that to 111111.
byte psist_10 0 If test MS with access overlaod grade of 10 is
allowed to transmit requests to access channel,
BTS sets that as continuous value to use this
field, and if not, it sets that to 111.
byte psist_11 0 If emergency MS with access overlaod grade of 11
is allowed to transmit requests to access
channel, BTS sets that as continuous value to
use this field, and if not, it sets that to
byte psist_12 0 If MS with access overlaod grade of 12 is
allowed to transmit requests to access channel,
BTS sets that as continuous value to use this
field, and if not, it sets that to 111.
byte psist_13 0 If MS with access overlaod grade of 13 is
allowed to transmit requests to access channel,
BTS sets that as continuous value to use this
field, and if not, it sets that to 111.
byte psist_14 0 If MS with access overlaod grade of 14 is
allowed to transmit requests to access channel,
BTS sets that as continuous value to use this
field, and if not, it sets that to 111.
byte psist_15 0 If MS with access overlaod grade of 15 is
allowed to transmit requests to access channel,
BTS sets that as continuous value to use this
field, and if not, it sets that to 111.
byte msg_psist 0 As continuous transformer used to attempt
accesschannel for message transfer, MS
multiples [2-MSG_PSIST] to transmission