User's Manual

If set to On, the user’s personal information
such as ID and Password used to access the
Internet site will be saved automatically for
future use.
Screen Settings
You can change the settings of browser
screen (Rendering mode, Zoom).
Shows the pre-installed certificates and clear
the secure session information.
Navigation Mode
You can change the methods of browser
] 4 Way Navigation: The cursor of browser
moves scroll amounts or follows hyper links.
] Mouse Pointer: You can move the cursor
like a mouse pointer.
Secure Pop-up
You can control the popup which indicates
secure page or not.
Browser Shortcut
If set On, you can use the browser more
quickly and convenient with the key pad in the
phone. If Shortcut is on, the following number
of buttons is available.
1: Enter URL
3: Add This Page
5: Full Screen
7: Page Down
9: Search Text
*: View Bookmarks
2: Recent Page
4: Page up
6: View Bookmarks
8: Zoom Out
0: Zoom In
#: Zoom Out