Installation Guide

Table Of Contents
Software Update
Support Software Update
Uses software update to check and obtain the latest version.
Allow Automatic Updates
If set to On, updates will be proceeded automatically without asking when there is a
new update after a version check.
Check for updates
When checking for the latest update version, you can perform updates only if an
update file of a later version is available. The TV automatically checks your software
version but, if necessary, you can perform a manual check.
The configurable items differ depending upon model.
The latest version can be obtained via digital broadcast signals or internet connections.
Changing the channel while downloading the software via digital broadcast signal interrupts
the download process. Returning to the initial channel allows downloading to resume.
If software is not updated, certain functions may not work properly.
In some countries, Allow Automatic Updates is not displayed if you are not connected to
the Internet.
TV Information
Support TV Information
You can view information including Model, Serial Number, Device Name.
Using Notifications
Support Notifications
You can view all notifications from TV apps and LG service at the same time. You can
view and delete each notification message. For notifications that support shortcuts, you
can go directly to that app or website.