Data sheet
Live the
Capture a vibrant sunset sky. Feel the power of advanced performance
like a throttle gripped tightly in-hand. Share the warmth of a memory
or the excitement of a deserved accomplishment. One device can give
you all these things, with the style and intelligence to keep you engaged
throughout the day. For anyone bold enough to grab life—experience
rst—LG F7 is waiting to power on. This device puts vivid memories,
action-packed entertainment, and multitasking prociency in the palm of
your hand. Featuring a stunning 4.7" True HD IPS display, blazing-fast 4G
LTE connectivity, a long-lasting battery, and advanced camera features,
it’s sleek, slim, and perfect for every outing.
Inspire them by highlighting all the incredible capabilities of this device,
and position LG F7 as their number one.
See the Extraordinary
With an expansive 4.7" True HD IPS Display, LG F7 will show off on-device action
in vibrant, true-to-nature color and high-denition detail. Plus, with Gorill
Glass 2 protecting your screen, go crazy.
Outlast the Day
LG F7’s long-lasting 2,540 mAh battery with SiO+ technology and power saver
mode provides up to 13 hours of talk time—so you can keep running without
worrying about taking a break.
Capture the Moment
The 8 MP Autofocus camera will never let any ‘classic’ moment slip through your
ngers. Its packed with advanced features and Full HD 1080p video recording
that captures high-quality footage.
Layer the Productivity
QSlide™ Function is the master of multitasking, letting you accomplish several
things at once—layer up to two windows, which oat on top of the original
screen, adjusting window size and transparency.

Summary of content (2 pages)