User manual

If you do not have a network user account:
Create a new user account. For more information, search for the topic
Create a new user account in Help and Support on the Windows
XP Start menu.
Note The Recorder does not support spaces in network user account
names. The Recorder does support the underscore character ( _ ) in
network user account names.
Make sure the network account is not disabled and you do not have
to change the network password the next time you log on. To check
1. On the Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. Select User Accounts and then select User Accounts again.
3. Click the Advanced tab and then click the Advanced button.
4. Double-click the Users folder in the right pane and then right-click
the user account name and select Properties.
5. Make sure the User must change password at next logon and
Account is disabled are not checked.
Keep track of your network password.
The Shared Folder And The Location Of The Folder
Make sure you have a shared folder on the computer that is ready to
receive recordings. For more information, search for Using shared
folders in Help and Support on the computer. For the process to share
a folder, search for To share a folder or drive in Help and Support.
Make sure to use the instructions for Using Windows Explorer.
Windows XP Home Edition
Make sure the folder is stored at the top (root) level of a hard
drive. For example, if the shared folder is named CopiedShows
on the C: drive, make sure it is at the root level of the C: drive:
You must know the network name of your computer. This is usually
the name of the computer. For example, the name of your home
computer may be HomePC.
The location of the shared folder on the network is the path to the
folder in the form \\ComputerName\FolderName. For this example,
the path to the shared folder is \\HomePC\CopiedShows.
Windows XP Professional
Make sure the folder is stored at the top (root) level of a hard drive.
For example, if the shared folder is named CopiedShows on the
C: drive, make sure it is at the root level of the C: drive:
You have permission to change and read the folder. You can also
have full privileges for the folder. For more information, search
for the topic To set, view, change, or remove le and folder
permissions in Help and Support on the Windows XP Start menu.