Owners manual

Slideshow – Tap to automatically display a slideshow of all of your photos.
Rotate left – Tap to rotate the photo to the left.
Rotate right – Tap to rotate the photo to the right.
Crop – Tap to crop your photo. Drag the crop box to enclose the photo area
you want to keep, then tap OK. Your cropped photo is saved as a copy of
the original.
Trim – Tap to cut segments from your video recording.
Add location – Tap to add the photo’s location information using the map
Rename – Tap to rename the photo or video.
Print – Tap to select a printer via Cloud print to print the photo.
Details – Tap to view the photo or video file details.
Editing photos
While viewing a photo, tap the Edit icon (at the top of the screen) to
access the Edit photo screen to apply edits to the photo.
1. Tap an edit type from the scrolling list along the bottom edge of the
screen, then tap the edit setting (at the bottom of its screen) that you
want to use.
2. Tap the Checkmark icon
(at the top right corner of the screen) to save
your changes or tap the Close icon (at the top left corner of the
screen) to exit the setting without saving your changes.
NOTES Tap the toggle view icon (at the top of the screen, when available) to toggle
between the photo before edits and after edits.
Tap the Help icon (at the top of the screen, when available) to access help for the
current setting.
Tap the Menu icon (at the top right corner of the screen) to access Revert,
Feedback, and Help.
Sets the photo enhancement properties. Choose from Off , Normal ,
and High
Allows you to crop the photo to change its composition. Choose from Free
, Original , and Square .