- LG Cell Phone User Manual

Call reject
This menu allows you to enable or disable
rejection of all calls or calls categorized as
Unregistered, Contacts or Groups.
a Reject On/Off
To Enable or Disable the Call Reject
a Reject list
To select the category of call reject
numbers. You can select any of the following
z All Calls
If this category is selected, all calls will be
z Contacts
If this category is selected, all numbers in
contacts list will be rejected
z Groups
If this category is selected, all numbers
belonging to the selected groups will be
z Unregistered
If this category is selected, all un-registered
numbers will be rejected.
a Reject group
If the Reject Category ‘Groups’ is selected
from the Reject List, the group, which has to
be rejected, can be selected here.
All the available groups will be listed here. Up to
three groups can be selected for rejection.
Press the right soft key [Done] after configuring
the Call rejection to save the changes and go
back to previous menu.