User Manual

Using Software
9 Airplane Mode: Allows you to set the Airplane Mode. (It turns off the wireless LAN).
10 Silent Mode: Allows you to set the fan to the silent mode.
Power Management Screen
You can check or change the settings related to PC USB-C port or battery.
1 Set USB-C Charging
Set Always-On Charging: Allows you to set the USB port so that you can perform charging
using the USB-C port even when the PC is turned off.
Set Charging Function: Sets the charging function for a USB-C port (Automatic, Sink, or
2 Battery State: Allows you to measure the battery lifespan so that you can replace it timely.
3 Extend Battery Life: Allows you to increase the battery lifespan by lowering the battery charging
level to 80% of the battery capacity.
Windows Security Screen
You can change the User Account Control and firewall settings in Windows.