
Ensure that the following accessories are included with your TV. If an accessory is missing, please contact the
dealer where you purchased the TV.
The accessories included may differ from the images below.
OOppttiioonnaall IInnssttaalllleerr RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll ffoorr MMooddeell NNoo.. SSeerriieess 2222//2266//3322LLGG33DDDDHH
There is an optional Installer remote control available for the 22/26/32LG3DDH models. The
installer remote control is NOT included with the TV.
Owner’s Manual
Power Cord
CD Manual
Protective Bracket and Bolt for
Power Cord
(Refer to P.12)
(This feature is not available for all models.)
* Wipe spots on the exterior only with the pol-
ishing cloth.
* Do not wipe roughly when removing stains.
Excessive pressure may cause scratches or
Polishing Cloth
(This feature is not avail-
able for all models.)
OOppttiioonn EExxttrraass
D-sub 15 pin Cable
When using the VGA (D-sub 15 pin
cable) PC connection, the user
must use shielded signal interface
cables with ferrite cores to maintain
standards compliance.
FFoorr 2266//3322LLGG33DDDDHH
Protection Cover
(Refer to P.11)
Cable Management Clip
(Refer to P.12)