
MP3 Files Playback Options
1 When inserted, the MP3 menu screen appears
automatically depending on the MP3 disc's folder
(directory) structure.
Select desired folder.
Select desired file and play the
MP3 file.
Stop Playback
Stop playback.
Pause Playback
Pause playback.
Use this button again to
return to normal playback.
Fast Forward/Backward
Press this button during playback.
Select the required speed:
2X, 4X, 8X, 16X or 32X.
Return to normal playback.
Move to another Track
Press it briefly during playback to
go to the next track or to return to
the beginning of the current track.
Press it twice briefly to go back to the
previous track.
Repeat Playback
You can play a specific track repeatedly.
Use this button during playback.
Press it repeatedly to change the repeat
mode: Shuffle, Random, Repeat One,
Repeat All, Repeat Off.
A-B Repeat Playback
A-B repeat playback allows you to repeat material
between two selected points.
Select the start point during playback.
" (_)A" is displayed on TV screen and
the starting point of your selected seg-
ment is set up.
Select the end point.
"_ AB" is displayed on TV screen and
the ending point is set up.
Playback starts at the point that you
selected. Playback stops at the end point,
returns to Point A automatically, then
starts again.
Resume normal playback.