Installation Manual

Installer Menu Items 047 through 118
Item Function Value Range Default Value Brief Description of Function
047 AUX STATUS 0 / 1 0
Set to 1 for MPI Aux source to be reported as a channel number instead of
Channel 0.
049 DIS. AUDIO M. 0 9 0
Determines the availability of the Sound Out (Audio) Menu in the TV menus, as
well as the default Audio Mode when TV is turned ON. (See detailed descriptions.)
053 DIS. CH-TIME 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable the TV’s native Channel-Time display.
069 EN. CH-T COL. 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable custom color for MPI display characters.
070 FOR. CH-TIME 0 7 2 Chooses custom foreground color for MPI display characters.
071 BCK. CH-TIME 0 7 2 Chooses custom background color for MPI display characters.
073 CH NOT AVBLE 0 / 1 0
If set to 1 and item 028 CH. OVERIDE is set to 0, a “CHANNEL NOT
AVAILABLE” message is displayed if user attempts to direct tune a channel that
is not included in the channel lineup.
075 REVERT CH 0 / 1 0 If set to 1 and loss of MPI communication occurs, TV tunes to Start Channel.
077 QUICK SHUTOFF 0 17 0
Allows TV to be turned OFF with press and hold of pillow speaker channel buttons.
Set to 0 to disable. Set from 1 to 17 to define hold time. (See detailed descriptions.)
078 UPN MSB 0 255 255 User programmable number, most significant byte.
079 UPN MSB-1 0 255 255 User programmable number, most significant byte - 1.
080 UPN MSB-2 0 255 255 User programmable number, most significant byte - 2.
081 UPN LSB 0 255 255 User programmable number, least significant byte.
082 CHKSM ERROR 0 / 1 1 Enforces rigid MPI checksum.
083 HANDSHK TIME 0 5 5 Relaxes MPI timing to be compatible with PC-based Windows-controlled systems.
084 PERMANENT BLK 0 / 1 0 Removes block hours setting for Parental Control and makes block permanent.
086 V. MUTE TIME  0 50 0 Use to extend the normal video mute time during channel change.
088 EN NOISE MUTE 0 / 1 1 (Analog channels only) If set to 1, audio is muted if no signal is present.
090 KEY LOCK 0 / 1 0 If set to 1, all display panel joystick button functions are locked. IR is still functional.
091 HDMI2 ENABLE 0 2 1
Set to 0 to disable HDMI 2. Set to 1 (DTV Mode) or 2 (PC Mode), as
applicable, to enable HDMI 2.
094 SAP MENU EN 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable SAP feature in Function Menu.
096 DEF. ASP. RATIO 0 4 2 Sets default aspect ratio at power up. See detailed descriptions and item 106.
Set as required in accordance with external audio equipment connected to the
TV. See detailed descriptions.
Set to 0 to disable Pro:Centric operation. Set to 1 for Flash Mode. Set to 2 for
GEM (Java Application) Mode. Set to 3 for HTML Mode.
099 BACK LIGHTING 1 200, 255 255 Sets the level of the TV picture back lighting. (See detailed descriptions.)
101 IR FEEDBACK 0 / 2 0 Set to 2 to disable the TV’s MMR feature.
102 ATSC BAND 0 4 4 Selects ATSC band.
103 ATSC TUNE MODE 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 (default) for Physical Channel scan. Set to 0 for Virtual Channel scan.
104 START MINOR CH 0 255 0 Selects Minor Start Channel. Set to 0 for NTSC.
106 ASP RATIO LOCK 0 / 1 0
To retain set aspect ratio on power cycle, set to 1. Set to 0 for default ratio on
power cycle.
107 BANNER SELECT 0 / 1 1 Selects the type of banner to display during channel change.
116 VIDEO MUTE EN 0 / 1 0
(Analog channels only) If set to 1, video mutes (blank screen) when no
signal is present.
117 FACT DEFAULT 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to restore the factory default settings of all Installer Menu items.
118 POWER SAVINGS 1, 3, 7 3
Determines the powered status of the embedded b-LAN module and the GAME
CONTROL/MPI port. (See detailed descriptions.)
Installer Menu (Cont.)