User Manual

(9) Reading BER measurement value ....."BR"
Function Reading BER measurement value.
Syntax ne (Reply)
BR_? (Query)
BER value ne: Replied in exponential format of 0.00E-0
This program code can only be used when the Source on the TS Source screen is set
to PN.
(10) Reading BER judgement results ........"BJ"
Function Reading BER GO/NO-GO judgement results In accordance with
measurement value.
Syntax ne_n (Reply)
BJ_? (Query)
BER value ne: Replied in exponential format of 0.00E-0
n BER Measurement
1 GO
This program code can only be used when the Source on the TS Source screen is set
to PN.
(11) Setting upper limit of BER .................."BU"
Function Setting and querying upper limit for GO/NO-GO judgement.
Syntax BU_ne (Setting, reply)
BU_? (Query)
BER upper value ne: Exponential format of 0.00E-0
This program code can only be used when the Source on the TS Source screen is set
to PN.
When the value set is below the current lower limit, the value is ignored due to
handles as an error.
(12) Setting lower limit of BER..................."BL"
Function Setting and querying lower limit for GO/NO-GO judgement.
Syntax BL_ne (Setting, reply)
BL_? (Query)
BER lower value ne: Exponential format of 0.00E-0
This program code can only be used when the Source on the TS Source screen is set
to PN.
When the value set is above the current upper limit, the value is ignored due to it is
handles as error.