Owner's Manual

IR OUT Using Guide
(For UV770H series)
Suitable / Not Recommend remote-
controller data format
Item Data format code Note
Suitable Data Format
NEC, Toshiba Full Repeat Code Format
Single : Enable
Repeat : Enable
Philips RC5, RC6 Code Format
Zenith Code Format
Not Recommend Data Format
Matsushita, RCA Code Format Single : Enable
Repeat : Disable
Sony 12/15/20 bit, Mitsubishi Code Format
Sharp, JVC, R-step, Philips RCMM, RECS-80,
XMP Code Format
Single : Disable
Repeat : Disable
IR Receiver specifications
Carrier frequency 37.9 KHz
Peak Wavelength 940 nm
Minimum burst length Min. 300 us
Minimum gap time is required of Min. 350 us
Data word length Max. 100 ms
Minimum gap time in the data stream is needed of Min. 50 ms
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
High Level Out Pulse Width Twh
Burst Wave = 600
Period = 1.2
400 - 800
Low Level Out Pulse Width Twl 400 - 800
If not use the remote-controller with data formats recommended, IR output signals will be suppressed
automatically by IR receiver. In this case, LG does not guarantee IR working function. To make sure of
this matter, here are two methods as below.
- Use the remote-controller with suitable data formats.
- Use the IR dongle receiver of the set-top box.