Installation Manual

(3) Saving signal status information of digital channels through SignalTrace in XML format
Go to Installation menu -> TV Manager -> Diagnostics -> Diagnostics Setup
Set the level value in Signal Tracer Set. (Disable, 10 to 90)
TV Manager
Diagnostics Setup
Signal Tracer Set
Diagnostics Setup
Change the channel and tune to a digital channel, then maintain the status for more than 5
Create an empty file named tv_signal.rms in the LG_SVC folder.
Insert the USB device into the TV.
If the "Diagnostics is completed" message is displayed, remove the USB, open the tv_signal.rms
file on a PC and check XML created in the file.
If the user tunes to the same digital channel 30 times, the signal average is calculated. If the tuning
count to the same digital channel is more than 30, the good/bad signals, current signal, average signal,
date and channel information are saved in changedSignal_report XML tag.
The information created in SignalTrace is not displayed in the TV's UI.
In USB cloning, the configured Signal Tracer value is not cloned.
When a factory reset is performed, Signal Tracer Set is disabled and traced information is deleted.