User manual

| Basic Management Tasks
Setting the System Clock
– 60 –
ES-2000 Series
Use the System > Time (Configure Time Server) page to set the time zone.
SNTP uses Coordinated Universal Time (or UTC, formerly Greenwich Mean
Time, or GMT) based on the time at the Earth’s prime meridian, zero
degrees longitude, which passes through Greenwich, England. To display a
time corresponding to your local time, you must indicate the number of
hours and minutes your time zone is east (before) or west (after) of UTC.
You can choose one of the 80 predefined time zone definitions, or your can
manually configure the parameters for your local time zone.
The following parameters are displayed:
Predefined Configuration – A drop-down box provides access to the
80 predefined time zone configurations. Each choice indicates its offset
from UTC and lists at least one major city or location covered by the
time zone.
User-defined Configuration – Allows the user to define all
parameters of the local time zone.
Direction: Configures the time zone to be before (east of) or after
(west of) UTC.
Name – Assigns a name to the time zone. (Range: 1-29 characters)
Hours (0-13) The number of hours before/after UTC. The
maximum value before UTC is 12. The maximum value after UTC is
Minutes (0-59) The number of minutes before/after UTC.
To set your local time zone:
1. Click System, then Time.
2. Select Configure Time Zone from the Action list.
3. Set the offset for your time zone relative to the UTC in hours and
minutes using either a predefined or custom definition.
4. Click Apply.