Owner's Manual

Home view is used mainly as a
startup page where you learn
and some basic features of the
application and go through setup.
First-Folder and Second-Folder
views are double-folder views
that have been designed to make
copying, moving, extracting and
archiving data an extremely easy
PassMan view is a password-
manager view with some setting
links that enable user to organize
passwords in a single, master-
password encrypted database
Options view provides you with
links to settings dialogs and other
informative links
Creating Zip Archive
In the selected folder, select an
item or items, tap and hold on the
selected item or items, when the
shortcut menu appears scroll down
to select:
Add to archive ... command, if you
want to add archive with options
to set password, name and type.
Add to 'name.zip' command, if you
want to add directly to the named
archive without password.
Compress and Email... command, if
you want to compress the selected
items into an archive with options
to set password, name and type
and then send the output archive
via email.