Owner's Manual

Custom-designed Features 27
Fingerprint recognition
Fingerprint recognition overview
You must register your fingerprint on your device first before using the
fingerprint recognition function.
You can use the fingerprint recognition function in the following cases:
• To unlock the screen.
• To view the locked content in the Gallery or QuickMemo+.
• Confirm a purchase by signing in to an app or identifying yourself with
your fingerprint.
• Your fingerprint can be used by the device for user identification. Very
similar fingerprints from different users may be recognised by the
fingerprint sensor as the same fingerprint.
Precautions for fingerprint recognition
Fingerprint recognition accuracy may decrease due to a number of
reasons. To maximise the recognition accuracy, check the following before
using the device.
• The devices Power/Lock key has a fingerprint sensor. Ensure that the
Power/Lock key is not damaged by a metallic object, such as coin or
• When water, dust or other foreign substance is on the Power/Lock key
or your finger, the fingerprint registration or recognition may not work.
Clean and dry your finger before having the fingerprint recognised.
• A fingerprint may not be recognised properly if the surface of your
finger has a scar or is not smooth due to being soaked in water.
• If you bend your finger or use the fingertip only, your fingerprint may
not be recognised. Make sure that your finger covers the entire surface
of the Power/Lock key.