Owner's Manual

Case Symptoms Corrective action Ref. Page
The air conditioner
does not generate
cool air or warm
Air circulation mode
is selected.
In the air circulation operation. Air
blows from the air conditioner without
cooling or heating the indoor air. Switch
the air circulation mode to the cooling
or heating operation.
Setting temperature
is inappropriate.
If room temperature is close to the set
temperature, the conditioning ability of
air-conditioner will be slow down fan
speed to save energy.
Check out that the desired temperature
has been set.
Cool or warm air is
escaping from the
Close all unnecessary openings such as
doors, windows or fireplace dampers.
The air filter is
blocked by dust or
Clean the air filter every 2 weeks. See
“Cleaning Air Filter” for more informa-
Room air does not
circulate properly.
Make sure that there are no curtains,
blinds or furniture blocking in front of
the air conditioner.
The air conditioner
does not generate
cool air.
There is a heating
source inside.
Avoid using a heat generator such as an
electric oven or a gas burner while the
air conditioner is being operated.
Outside temperature
is too high.
The cooling effect may not be suffi-
The air conditioner
does not generate
warm air.
When the heating
mode is started.
Vane is almost
closed and air flow
does not come out.
Even though outdoor
unit is already begin
to operate.
This symptom is normal. Please wait
until the unit is preparing warm air.
This function prepare to blow warm air.
Defrosting mode is
being done in the
outdoor unit.
In heating mode, ice/frost is built up on
the coils when the outside temperature
fall down.
This function remove a layer of frost on
the coil.
Please wait until this operation is com-
pleted. It takes about 15 mins.
Outside temperature
is too low.
The heating effect may not be suffi-