Engineering Manual

Table 65: Multi F Four-Way Ceiling-Cassette Indoor Units Cooling Capacity Table.
Model No. /
Nominal Capacity
of Indoor Unit
Outdoor Air
(°F DB)
Indoor Air Temp. °F DB / °F WB
68 / 57 73 / 61 77 / 64 80 / 67 86 / 72 90 / 75
14 6.86 4.87 7.29 5.15 7.71 4.99 8.02 5.09 8.57 5.13 8.99 5.23
20 6.86 4.91 7.28 5.19 7.71 5.02 8.02 5.13 8.56 5.17 8.99 5.27
25 6.85 4.95 7.28 5.23 7.70 5.06 8.01 5.17 8.55 5.21 8.98 5.31
30 6.85 4.99 7.27 5.27 7.70 5.10 8.00 5.21 8.55 5.25 8.97 5.35
35 6.84 5.03 7.27 5.31 7.69 5.14 8.00 5.25 8.54 5.29 8.97 5.39
40 6.84 5.06 7.26 5.35 7.68 5.18 7.99 5.29 8.53 5.33 8.96 5.43
45 6.83 5.10 7.25 5.39 7.68 5.22 7.99 5.33 8.53 5.37 8.95 5.47
50 6.83 5.14 7.25 5.43 7.67 5.26 7.98 5.37 8.52 5.41 8.94 5.52
55 6.82 5.18 7.24 5.47 7.67 5.30 7.97 5.41 8.51 5.45 8.94 5.56
60 6.81 5.21 7.24 5.51 7.66 5.33 7.97 5.45 8.51 5.49 8.93 5.60
65 6.81 5.25 7.23 5.55 7.66 5.37 7.96 5.49 8.50 5.53 8.92 5.64
70 6.80 5.29 7.23 5.59 7.65 5.41 7.95 5.52 8.49 5.57 8.92 5.68
75 6.64 5.20 7.06 5.50 7.48 5.33 7.79 5.45 8.33 5.50 8.75 5.61
80 6.48 5.11 6.90 5.42 7.32 5.26 7.62 5.38 8.16 5.43 8.58 5.55
85 6.31 5.02 6.73 5.33 7.15 5.17 7.46 5.30 7.99 5.36 8.41 5.48
90 6.15 4.93 6.57 5.23 6.99 5.09 7.29 5.21 7.83 5.29 8.24 5.40
95 5.98 4.87 6.39 5.19 6.81 5.05 7.00 5.10 7.64 5.26 8.06 5.38
100 5.83 4.74 6.25 5.05 6.66 4.93 6.91 5.02 7.50 5.14 7.91 5.27
105 5.69 4.61 6.10 4.92 6.52 4.81 6.82 4.94 7.35 5.03 7.77 5.16
110 5.54 4.46 5.96 4.76 6.37 4.66 6.67 4.79 7.21 4.89 7.62 5.02
115 5.39 4.32 5.81 4.63 6.23 4.54 6.53 4.67 7.06 4.77 7.48 4.90
118 5.31 4.29 5.72 4.60 6.14 4.52 6.44 4.65 6.97 4.76 7.39 4.89
122 5.28 4.28 5.69 4.59 6.11 4.51 6.41 4.64 6.94 4.75 7.36 4.89
14 8.82 6.31 9.37 6.66 9.92 6.45 10.31 6.59 11.01 6.64 11.56 6.77
20 8.82 6.36 9.36 6.72 9.91 6.50 10.31 6.64 11.01 6.70 11.55 6.82
25 8.81 6.41 9.36 6.77 9.90 6.55 10.30 6.69 11.00 6.75 11.54 6.87
30 8.80 6.46 9.35 6.82 9.90 6.60 10.29 6.74 10.99 6.80 11.54 6.93
35 8.80 6.50 9.34 6.87 9.89 6.65 10.28 6.79 10.98 6.85 11.53 6.98
40 8.79 6.55 9.33 6.92
9.88 6.70 10.27 6.84 10.97 6.90 11.52 7.03
45 8.78 6.60 9.33 6.97 9.87 6.75 10.27 6.90 10.96 6.95 11.51 7.09
50 8.78 6.65 9.32 7.03 9.87 6.80 10.26 6.95 10.96 7.00 11.50 7.14
55 8.77 6.70 9.31 7.08 9.86 6.85 10.25 7.00 10.95 7.06 11.49 7.19
60 8.76 6.75 9.31 7.13 9.85 6.90 10.24 7.05 10.94 7.11 11.48 7.24
65 8.76 6.80 9.30 7.18 9.84 6.95 10.24 7.10 10.93 7.16 11.47 7.29
70 8.75 6.85 9.29 7.23 9.84 7.00 10.23 7.15 10.92 7.21 11.47 7.35
75 8.54 6.73 9.08 7.12 9.62 6.90 10.01 7.05 10.71 7.12 11.25 7.26
80 8.33 6.62 8.87 7.01 9.41 6.80 9.80 6.96 10.49 7.03 11.03 7.18
85 8.12 6.50 8.66 6.89 9.20 6.70 9.59 6.85 10.28 6.94 10.82 7.09
90 7.91 6.37 8.45 6.77 8.99 6.59 9.37 6.75 10.06 6.84 10.60 6.99
95 7.68 6.31 8.22 6.71 8.75 6.54 9.00 6.60 9.83 6.80 10.36 6.96
100 7.50 6.14 8.03 6.54 8.57 6.38 8.88 6.50 9.64 6.66 10.17 6.82
105 7.31 5.97 7.84 6.37 8.38 6.23 8.77 6.40 9.45 6.51 9.99 6.68
110 7.12 5.77 7.66 6.17 8.19 6.03 8.58 6.20 9.26 6.33 9.80 6.50
115 6.94 5.59 7.47 5.99 8.01 5.87 8.39 6.05 9.08 6.18 9.61 6.35
118 6.82 5.55 7.36 5.96 7.89 5.84 8.28 6.02 8.96 6.15 9.50 6.33
122 6.79 5.54 7.32 5.94 7.86 5.83 8.24 6.01 8.93 6.15 9.46 6.32
TC = Total Capacity (kBtu/h).
SHC: Sensible Heat Capacity (kBtu/h).
Nominal capacity as rated 0 ft. above sea level and a 0 ft. level difference between outdoor and indoor
units. Corresponding refrigerant piping length is accordance with standard length of each outdoor unit.
Nominal cooling capacity rating obtained with air entering the indoor unit at 80ºF dry bulb (DB) and
67ºF wet bulb (WB), and outdoor ambient conditions of 95ºF dry bulb (DB) and 75ºF wet bulb (WB).
The shaded table columns and rows indicate reference data. When operating at this temperature, these
values can be different if the system is not running consistently.
Multi F and Multi F MAX Indoor Unit Engineering Manual