Specification Guide

External Static Pressure
Heater Capacity Static Pressure Drop (in. wg)
3, 5 -0.01
8, 10 -0.02
15 -0.03
20 -0.04
7DEOH Electric Heater Static Pressure Drop Factors.
If the electric heater optional accessory is installed, adjust ESP value according to heater size
For every increase in static pressure by 0.01 in wg, the ESP value must be increased by 1
If the ESP setting value is inappropriate, the provided safety device will turn the heater off according to the airflow
Capacity (kBtu/h [tons]) Flow Rate (CFM) Static Pressure Drop (in wg)
18 (1.5)
High (640) -0.04
Middle(580) -0.04
Low (480) -0.04
24 (2.0)
High (710) -0.04
Middle(640) -0.04
Low (480) -0.04
36 (3.0)
High (1100) -0.09
Middle(1000) -0.09
Low (900) -0.09
7DEOH Down Flow (optional) Static Pressure Drop Factors.
If the optional down flow kit is installed, adjust ESP value as necessary
For every increase in static pressure by 0.01 in wg, the ESP value must be increased by 1
Capacity (kBtu/h [tons]) Flow Rate (CFM) Static Pressure Drop (in wg)
18 (1.5)
High (640) -0.04
Middle(580) -0.04
Low (480) -0.04
24 (2.0)
High (710) -0.04
Middle(640) -0.04
Low (480) -0.04
36 (3.0)
High (1100) -0.06
Middle(1000) -0.06
Low (900) -0.06
7DEOH Down Flow Air Filter Static Pressure Drop Factors
If the air filter is installed, adjust ESP value as necessary
For every increase in static pressure by 0.01 in wg, the ESP value must be increased by 1
+HDWHU&DSDFLW\N: Static Pressure Drop (in. wg)
3, 5 -0.01
8, 10 -0.01
15 -0.01
20 -0.01
7DEOH Down Flow Internal Electric Heater Static Pressure Drop.
If the electric heater optional accessory is installed, adjust ESP value according to heater size
For every increase in static pressure by 0.01 in wg, the ESP value must be increased by 1
If the ESP setting value is inappropriate, the provided safety device will turn the heater off according to the airflow
Vertical-Horizontal Air Handling Unit