Owners Guide

Part 2 Functions & Controls
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Copyright ©2017 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
7.4 Defrost Control (Heating)
• Defrost operation is controlled by timer and sensing temperature of outdoor pipe.
• The first defrost starts only when the outdoor pipe temperature falls below -11°C after starting of heating operation and
more than 10 minutes operation of compressor.
• Defrost ends after 15 minutes passed from starting of defrost operation when the outdoor rises over 40°C even before
12 minutes.
• The second defrost starts only when the outdoor pipe temperature falls below – 6°C after from ending of the first de-
frost and more than 10 minutes operation of compressor.
Automatic stop distance
If you want to change automatic distance setting,
consult with your sale agency.
Automatic Stop Distance of Grill
Ceiling height
Height: 3~4 m)
Automatic stop distance
1.5±0.5 m 2.5±0.5 m 3.5±0.5 m
- Depress the down button( ).
Then suction grill descends and stops automatically at a certain
- You may stop it at wanted distance point by depressing the stop but-
ton ( ) when descending.
- Depress the up button( ).
Then suction grill goes up and enters into the front panel.
1. Stop the Air Conditioner Operation
2. Descend the Suction Grill
3. Raise the Suction Grill
- Depress the stop button( ).
Make use of this when you want to stop it at your wished posi-
4. Stop the Suction Grill during Rising
Always stop the air conditioner operation for safety before operating lift grill.
• Take heed _ there is worry about dust fall etc. when suction grill descends.
• In case when the set automatic stop distance goes wrong, check the set value of operation panel and con-
firm if there is neither obstacle nor mankind.
• When you are not to remove obstacle, stop the operation before touching the obstacle.
• How to Operate the Lift Grill