Owners Guide

Part 5. Trouble Shooting
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Copyright ©2017 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
1. Self-diagnosis Function
1.1 Error Indicator (Indoor)
Ceiling Cassette Type Display
The number of times to blink = Error code
10 degrees 1 degrees
Error Indicator
The function is to self-diagnoisis airconditioner and express the troubles identifically if there is any trouble.
Error mark is ON/OFF for the operation LED of evaporator body in the same manner as the following table.
If more than two troubles occur simultaneously, primarily the highest trouble fo error code is expressed.
• After error occurrence, if error is released, error LED is also released simultaneously.
• To operate again on the occurrence of error code, be sure to turn off the power and then turn on.
• Having or not of error code is different from Model.
Indoor Error
00 No Error ON
01 Indoor Room themistor error OFF
02 Indoor in-piping sensor error OFF
03 Remote controller error OFF
04 Drain Pump error OFF
05 Communcation error between in and out OFF
06 Indoor Out-Piping sensor error OFF
07 Differnt mode operation OFF
09 EEPROM Check Sum Error OFF
10 Indoor BLDC Fan Lock OFF
Error code
Indoor Status
Standard Libero Type Display
The number of times to blink = Error code
1 degrees
10 degrees
1 degrees
10 degrees
1 degrees
10 degrees
Artcool Mirror