User Manual

Safety information
• Ifyouhaveaproblemwithusingtheproduct,pleasestopusingitandconsultwith
• Donotimmerseorexposetheproducttowaterorotherliquids.
• Pedometer, Sleep, Exercise, and Heart rate are not intended to treat or
diagnose any medical condition, and should be used for leisure, well-being
and fitness purposes only.
• Heart rate readings can be affected by measurement conditions and your
surroundings. Make sure you are seated and relaxed before reading your
heart rate.
• This product is water and dust-resistant according to the IP67 Rating, which
tests submersion in water at up to one metre for up to 30 minutes. Not
shockproof. The case must be completely closed.
• Heart rate readings may be affected by skin condition, measurement
conditions and your surroundings.
• Never look directly at the light of the heart rate sensor as this may damage
your eyesight.
• If your device becomes hot, remove it until it cools down. Exposing skin to
the hot surface for a long period of time may cause skin burn.
• The Heart rate feature is only intended for measuring your heart rate and
must not be used for any other purposes.
Battery warnings
• Donotdisassembleoropencrush,bendordeform,punctureorshred.
• Donotmodifyorremanufacture,attempttoinsertforeignobjectsintothebattery,
• Makesurethatnosharp-edgeditems,suchasanimal’steethornails,comeinto
• Onlyusethebatteryforthesystemforwhichitisspecified
• Onlyusethebatterywithachargingsystemthathasbeenqualifiedwiththe