Owner's Manual

Phone Settings 59
Wi-Fi Direct
You can connect your device to other devices that support Wi-Fi Direct
to share data directly with them. You do not need an access point. You
can connect with more than two devices by using Wi-Fi Direct.
On the settings screen, tap Wi-Fi Advanced Wi-Fi Direct.
• Nearby devices that support Wi-Fi Direct automatically appear.
Select a device.
• Connection occurs when the device accepts the connection
• The battery may drain faster when using Wi-Fi Direct.
You can connect your device to nearby devices that support Bluetooth to
exchange data with them. Connect your device to a Bluetooth headset
and a keyboard. This makes it easier to control the device.
Pairing with another device
On the settings screen, tap Bluetooth.
Drag to activate it.
• Available devices appear automatically.
• To refresh the device list, tap
• Only devices with the searching option enabled are displayed on the list.
Select a device from the list.
Follow the on-screen instructions to perform authentication.
• This step is skipped for previously accessed devices.