Submittal Sheet

Job Name/Locaon:
Tag No.:
PO No.:
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1. Modbus Conguraon
Network: 2 wire RS485
Mode: Modbus RTU slave
Baud: 9600
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Register Base: 0
2. Data Registers
Register Name Range Notes
1 Operaon 0 ~ 1
0: Stop
1: Run
30003 Indoor Temperature 100 ~ 400 Degrees C × 10
30100 Error Alarm 0 ~ 1
0 No Error
1: Error
40001 Set Run Mode 0 ~ 4
0: Cooling
2: Fan
3: AI
4: Heang
40002 Set Temperature 180 ~ 300 Degrees C × 10
40015 Set Fan Speed 1 ~ 3
1: Low
2: Middle
3: High
Dry Contact; Modbus® Gateway For Indoor Unit