Install Instructions

MultiSITE CRC 2 Controller
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Installation Sequence
Complete the following steps (in this order)
to correctly install the door/window sensor:
Install batteries.
Pair sensor with MultiSITE Controller.
Remove plastic pull tab.
Install sensor housing.
Install magnet.
Install sensor.
Install Battery
1. Pull tab and slide open housing of
door/window sensor to access battery
(Figure 28).
2. Install one CR2032 battery in the
housing (Figure 29). Ensure battery
polarity is correct When battery is first
installed, the sensor automatically goes
into pairing mode. Refer to “ZigBee
Setup” on page 42.
3. If replacing an old battery, use a plastic
tool to carefully pry battery out of
Do not use a metal tool; it may
cause a short circuit or cause damage to
the sensor.
4. Replace housing cover.
Install Sensor Housing
Use either screws or two sided tape to in-
stall the sensor housing. The sensor hous-
ing and the magnet must align properly.
The sensor and magnet must be within 0.75
inches of each other. Be sure to install the
parts in the correct orientation.
To install with tape:
1. Affix 2-sided tape to desired location (Figure 30). Ensure tape is flush with
Figure 28: Open Housing
Figure 29: Install Battery