Install Instructions

MultiSITE CRC 2 Controller
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Ceiling/Wall Motion, Temperature and Humidity
Follow this procedure to install the optional
ceiling/wall sensor.
Consider the following location constraints before installing a ceiling/wall sensor:
Do not install a on metal surface.
Do not install in areas with a direct heat source.
Do not install near any air discharge grill.
Do not install in areas exposed to direct sunlight.
Ensure mounting surface is at and clean.
Install in a dry location away from water, moisture, or rain.
Sensor Placement
Figure 37 shows suggested placement guidelines to optimize sensor operation.
Figure 37: Ceiling/Wall Sensor Placement
4 ft
R 16.4 ft
13.1 ft
8.2 ft