Install Instructions

Installation Manual
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ZigBee Pro Quick Setup
This quick set-up describes how to pair a ZigBee sensor with
a Remote Controller. Please see ZigBee Configuration section
of the MultiSITE CRC1 User Interface Guide if this is the first
time a sensor is being paired with the remote controller for
proper configuration of the ZigBee Wireless network.
1. Go to first Zone screen in Wireless Ecosystem section of
MultiSITE CRC1 Series Remote Controller's interface and
set “Permit join” to On. Permit join is only available on the
first Zone Screen but is applicable to all Zones.
2. Insert battery or remove pull tab (for contact sensors) to
activate ZigBee sensor. If sensor does not join ZigBee
wireless network press the button located on the sensor ten
(10) times to reinitialize joining process.
3. Verify sensor has joined network and Paired field status
reads Yes on Zone screen.
4. Use the “Set function to” control in the Zone Screen to
select sensor type (Motion, Window or Door).
5. Set Permit Join on MultiSITE CRC1 Series Remote
Controller to Off when pairing process is complete.
MultiSITE CRC1 Series Remote Controller User Interface
Guide is available at