User Guide

Libratone Zipp is based on a patented audio technology. We call it FullRoom™ sound.
Allow us to explain:
Regular speakers have closed cabinets. They push the sound waves in one direction - forward.
Libratone Zipp, on the other hand, plays like an acoustic instrument, dispersing sound waves in
multiple directions, giving you a 360° sound experience.
FullRoom™ technology means that you only need one sound source to get a room full of sound.
Whether you place it on a shelf or put it on the table you get the same amazing sound quality.
Placing Libratone Zipp close to a wall will reflect the sound off the wall. This gives you a deeper
bass and an even fuller soundscape. We don’t recommend you place Libratone Zipp in a corner
since this will limit the FullRoom™ experience, but it’s up to you.