User's Manual

LS5B User Manual
Libre Wireless Technologies User Manual: LS5B, Ver. 1.0 Page 38 of 89
Libre Confidential
To Provide the URL for Firmware Update over Internet
#setenv AlbumArtMaxSizeKB << 2048 >>
4.25. Spotify APP Key
NV-Item SpotifyAppKey is used to store the unique application key to access the Spotify
Library. LS-enabled speaker device has the Libre’s application key as the default value.
Replace the Application key with your own application key provided by Spotify.
The maximum size of the application key is 1024 characters.
Use the syntax below to store the Spotify Application Key.
To Store The Spotify Application Key
#setenv SpotifyAppKey <<
0147A183DEFC792085C3D545471BEF4127D2F23F12619CFDA11DAB7E1E6A86C8.... >>