User's Manual

LS5B User Manual
Libre Wireless Technologies User Manual: LS5B, Ver. 1.0 Page 39 of 89
Libre Confidential
5. Key Button Functionality
5.1. Setup Button (WAC / SAC / DDMS)
The SW5 button in LS5B-EVK is configured to trigger WAC / SAC and DDMS after the LS
module boots up as below.
Single press, the setup button on the LS EVK, to configure the speaker as DDMS
Zone-Master in Stand-Alone mode.
- This state would be stored in non-volatile memory so that even
after boot-up, the state is retained.
Double press the setup button on the LS EVK, to put back the speaker to DDMS
Zone-Station in Stand-Alone mode.
- This state would be stored in non-volatile memory so that even after
boot-up, the state is retained.
- This state would be maintained until user changes to WAC mode or to
Zone-Master mode on this specific speaker.
Press and Hold the setup button on the LS EVK for 3 seconds, to come out of the
DDMS mode.
- LS EVK connects to the AP or the SSID configured earlier.
- To connect the LS EVK to different AP or SSID, Press and Hold the
setup button on the LS EVK for 3 seconds again, to trigger WAC.
- If the LS EVK was not configured to any AP, Press and Hold of
setup button triggers WAC.
- This state is stored in non-volatile memory and even after boot-up,
the state is retained.
For more information on DDMS Stand-Alone mode and Home-Network mode refer to
DDMS Usability guide (Android / iOS) available in LibreSync Document Portal.
5.2. WPS / Factory Reset Key Button