User's Manual

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LibreStream Technologies Inc.
About n_sight
This innovative product is the first mobile device that incorporates all the components
necessary to participate in a wireless, full duplex voice and video collaboration session
with a remote user. n_sight extends the reach and leverages the benefits of an
organization’s conferencing infrastructure into the workplace, where mission critical
issues need to be reviewed and dealt with on a real-time basis. It provides collaboration
capabilities to locations previously inaccessible to real-time conferencing, such as test
labs, health care facilities, factory floors, service departments, remote suppliers, first
article inspection areas, customer facilities, and other remote work team locations.
Applications and Benefits
The n_sight system enhances productivity by allowing technical experts and remote
operators to jointly view, consult, diagnose and resolve issues in the shortest amount of
time, at the lowest possible cost. n_sight transports high-resolution video, sound and still
images through streaming multimedia from the scene right to your office desktop for
quick and easy collaboration. Using a stylus for on-screen graphic marking, the
telestration function instantly highlights areas of interest. n_sight brings you there in real-
time: saving downtime and travel expense, and improves productivity and customer
System Architecture
High performance, multiprocessor architecture optimized for realtime multimedia
processing and communications in a hand-held form factor
Microsoft WinCE 5.0
SIP-based session control
Windows-based PC Client allowing for easy call initiation and camera control
Physical Characteristics
Size – 174 (6.86”) mm wide x 96.0 (3.78”) mm high x 87.1 (3.43”) mm deep
Weight – 720 grams (1.59 pounds)
Non slip hand grips
Integrated LED-based illumination