User Manual

Storage centres for integrated use
Door panel collision grid - 19 mm external door panel
EC(B)N 6256
The illustration shows the gaps required to avoid collisions with neighbouring parts
when the door is opened. The illustration is not to original size.
View from above
Right side wall of the appliance housing
Side wall of the kitchen unit
Front of the appli-
ance housing
To be taken into account for installations
with an external door panel.
The use of 19 mm thick front panels
requires a gap of at least 9 mm to the
neighbouring door panel.
If the gap is less than 9 mm, the front
vertical edge of the door panel will
collide with the front vertical edge of the
neighbouring panel when the door is
9 mm!
19 mm front panel
Door closed
19 mm front panel
Door opening angle 105°