Instructions / Assembly

All color characteristics of wood will change as it ages. This will gradually change the color of the
wood and stain. The amount and rate of the change will depend on many factors, including wood
type, stain color, and the amount of direct sunlight. In addition, exposure to smoke, chemicals, and
man-made light may, over time, cause some materials to vary from their
original color.
While this softening of the color is not noticeable day to day, it will make a difference over an
extended period of time. This is why cabinets or accessories added at a later date may not exactly
match previously installed cabinetry. For the same reason, door samples or displays may not repre-
sent the exact color of cabinets you receive.
Due to these natural and environmental factors, you will understand why LifeArt Cabinetry Corp
cannot be responsible for naturally occurring changes experienced by the wood in your cabinets.
Photographic representations of wood, stain, or paint are effected by both direct and indirect
lighting, as well as computer screen and printer limitations. LifeArt Cabinetry Corp strongly rec-
looking at the door samples.
Products and prices are subject to change without prior notice.