User's Manual

Safety information
1. If you have multiple phones in your name, and any of them are left
off the hook, the Home Communicator will not be able to place a
Help Call. This problem can be addressed by plugging the Home
Communicator phone cord into an RJ31X/CA38A type jack, on your
main phone line, which your phone company may be able to assist you
with. If there is only one phone jack in your home, the RJ31X jack in
the Home Communicator should be able to seize the line.
2. This product cannot be used on party lines/shared service lines.
3. IfyouhaveDSLInternetservice,youwillneedtoinstallaDSLlter
between your phone jack and the Home Communicator. Contact your
electronics store.
4. Your Lifeline Service can be used with digital or Internet-based (VoIP)
phone service. But please be prudent with the provider you choose.
There are differences in the quality of service from different providers,
and not all providers are required to uphold the regulated standards of
service. If there are service interruptions on your phone service, you
may not be able to place a Help Call to Lifeline