Use Instructions

Questions? Call 1-800-635-6156
Responders is no longer able to assist you or if they get a new
telephone number.
Please contact Philips Lifeline for any questions about
selecting or being a Responder. Most importantly, if you list
someone as a Responder, make sure you tell that person that
you have done so, and that they agree to act as a Responder.
Who are “People to Notify” or “Noties”?
If you use your System to call for help, after response has
been facilitated, Philips Lifeline will contact the “People to
Notify” identied in your subscription prole to let them
know that you received assistance. “People to Notify” will
not be contacted to help you, unless they are also on your
list of “Responders.” Neither Responders nor Noties will be
contacted in the event of a test signal or when you activate
your system but do not need help – such as during an
accidental Help Button press.
Calling for help inside your home
1. Press and release the Help Button on the GoSafe 2 Mobile
Pendant. The Pendant will tell you that your call is in
progress, and to please wait. Once the call has registered
with the Lifeline Response Center, your Pendant will tell
you that your call has been connected. This means that our
system has compiled all of your information and that your
case is being delivered to a Lifeline Personal Response
Associate who will speak with you momentarily.
Note: The Response Center is available 24 hours a day, 365
days a year. Your Lifeline subscription provides for unlimited
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