Use Instructions

Questions? Call 1-800-635-6156
calls to the Response Center without penalty. A trained
Personal Response Associate will be available to assist you.
Hello, Mrs. Smith.
Do you need help?
Your help call
is in progress.
Please wait.
2. Your Pendant calls the Lifeline Response Center. When it
dials the Response Center, your Pendant will repeatedly say:
“Your Help Call is in progress; please wait.” Once it connects
with the Response Center, it will say: “Your call has been
connected; Lifeline will be right with you.” It is normal to
experience a slight delay prior to speaking with a
Response Associate.
3. The Response Center will answer the call. A Lifeline
Response Associate will speak to you through the Pendant’s
built-in speaker and hear you through the highly sensitive
microphone*. The Personal Response Associate will ask if
you need help. If you do not need help, just tell them that
no help is needed.
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