Use Instructions

Questions? Call 1-800-635-6156
Important Notice to User
The GoSafe 2 Mobile Pendant is a radio frequency (RF) device
that transmits all of its signals to the Lifeline Response Center
over a cellular network. As such, it relies upon adequate
cellular network availability and signal strength, at the time
and location of alarm generation, to send your help signal
to the Lifeline Response Center. Cellular signal strength and
availability inside of your home is tested during the system
setup process, but can vary from time to time depending on
multiple factors, and is therefore not guaranteed to remain at
that level over time. This variation is not due to the design of
GoSafe 2, nor is it unique to a single cellular carrier. It is the
general nature of cellular communication, and indicative of the
limitations thereof. Please refer to this Instruction for Use, as
well as the Terms and Conditions of Sale/Use provided with
your System for a full listing of Limitations of cellular service.
If this statement or the Limitations dened herein are unclear
to you, or if you did not receive a copy of the Terms and
Conditions of Sale/Use, please contact Philips Lifeline or its
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