Use Instructions

Questions? Call 1-800-635-6156
What to expect when the AutoAlert fall detection
technology in your GoSafe 2 Mobile Pendant
detects a fall
• A Help Call is automatically generated after
approximately 30 seconds of a fall being detected. While
the fall may be detected in only a few seconds, the 30
second period is provided for users to “self-recover” from
a fall if able.
• If the Pendant detects that you have self-recovered from
the fall, within less than approximately 30 seconds of a
fall being detected, a Help Call will not be generated.
• Do not attempt to stand if you feel unable to do so.
• Regardless of whether you have fallen or not, if you
think you need assistance, always push the Help Button
immediately to initiate the Help Call if you are able to do
so. Pushing the Help Button promptly generates the Help
Call. If your Pendant has detected a fall but 30 seconds
have not yet passed, pressing the Help Button WILL NOT
cancel the Help Call. It will promptly send the Help Call.
About Fall Detection
The AutoAlert fall detection technology may not detect every
fall. Some movements may not register as a fall and would not
be detected. Examples include, but are not
limited to:
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