Use Instructions

Questions? Call 1-800-635-6156
Maintenance & faults: If any part of the product is known (or suspected) to be
defective or wrongly adjusted, DO NOT USE the product until a repair has been made.
Operation of the product with defective or wrongly adjusted components could
expose the User or the patient to safety hazards.
Safety awareness: Do not use this product for any application until you read and
understand the safety information, safety procedures and emergency procedures
contained in this SAFETY section. Operation of the product without a proper
awareness of how to use it safely could lead to fatal or other serious personal injury.
Safety devices: Never attempt to remove, modify, or otherwise defeat any safety
device on the product. Interfering with safety devices could lead to fatal or other
serious personal injury.
Intended use and compatibility: Do not use this product for any purpose other than
those for which it is intended. Do not use the product with any product other than
that which Philips Lifeline recognizes as compatible. Operation of the product for
unintended purposes, or with incompatible product, could lead to fatal or other
serious injury.
Electrical safety
• Do not remove covers or cables from the provided power supply adapter.
Dangerous electrical voltages are present within this product. Removing covers or
cables could lead to serious or fatal personal injury.
• Covers or cables should only be removed by qualied and authorized
service personnel.
Explosion safety
• Do not use this product in the presence of explosive gases or vapors, such as certain
anesthetic gases.
• Do not use ammable or potentially explosive disinfecting sprays in the presence of
this product.
• Use of this product in an environment for which it was not designed can lead to re
or explosion.
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