Use Instructions

Questions? Call 1-800-635-6156
Responder(s): If you should need emergency assistance and
activate your Pendant, a responder is someone you want
Philips Lifeline to contact to physically go to you and help you.
You can have more than one Responder. In an emergency,
Philips Lifeline will contact them in prioritized order until we
are able to connect with someone that can get to you and
help you. See page 11.
Response Center: The Philips Lifeline call center where calls
from your Pendant are answered.
Sleep Mode: The Pendant is essentially turned o. When
in Sleep Mode, the Pendant will not detect falls, will not
automatically update its location information, and will not
make a help call with a single button press.
Standby Mode: This is the normal operating mode that
the Pendant is most often in while you are wearing it. The
Pendant is powered-on, with all systems functioning, but is
not in Alarm State.
Subscriber: A user of the Philips Lifeline Medical alert service.
Also, User.
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