User Manual

Brinks Keypad 7
3) Enter your code. The message window displays READY DOOR CHIME
4) Open each protected door and window, listen for the Keypad and Signal Extender to beep.
5) If you do not hear the Keypad beep, note the zone number and call Customer Care at 1-800-445-0872.
6) When you have finished testing, end the test by repeating steps 2 and 3.
Testing With Not Ready Zones
If the system is not ready to test, the message window displays NOT READY. Do the following:
1) Observe which zone number is displayed. This is the zone that is not ready.
2) Refer to the Pop-Up Grid Identification Card to verify the location of the zone.
3) If the zone is a door or window, make sure that it is securely closed.
4) If the message window now displays READY conduct the test.
5) If the message window still displays NOT READY, call Customer Care at 1-800-445-0872 for assistance.
¾ Setting the Clock
The numeric display of your Keypad may show the time of day. You do not need to set the clock; if you subscribe to
Brinks monitoring service, it adjusts itself automatically every few months. However, if the time is incorrect, you
can correct it by pressing and holding the 0 key for ten seconds. The Keypad’s message window goes blank for ten
seconds, and then the system makes a brief telephone call to Brink’s, obtains the actual time, and resets the clock.
While the system is making this short call, you will not be able to use your telephone.
¾ Emergency Buttons
If you subscribe to Brinks monitoring service, the emergency buttons will perform the following functions:
Fire – The siren sounds and a signal is sent to the Brinks monitoring center. Brinks calls the fire department and
then calls you to verify the alarm
Medical – The keypad beeps and a signal is sent to the Brinks monitoring center. Brinks calls you to verify the
alarm. If for any reason, you do not answer that call, Brinks call emergency personnel.
Police – The siren sounds and a signal is sent to the Brinks monitoring center. Brinks call you to verify the
alarm. If for any reason, you do not answer that call, Brinks call emergency personnel.
Observe which of the Keypad’s icons, numbers or words are displayed, and note any letters that may appear in the
numeric display. Match the Keypad’s message to the table below, then turn to the section listed in the table’s second
column for further information and instructions.
CALL 800-445-0872 Call Brink’s Indication
CF TROUBLE Component Failure Indication
CP TROUBLE Communication Problem Indication
CS TROUBLE Siren Failure Indication
CH TROUBLE Upload/Download Failure
LINE CUT Line Cut Indication (optional feature)
LOW BATT Low Battery Indication
NO AC No AC Power Indication
TROUBLE Zone # (Beeping) Zone Trouble Indication
TROUBLE OP (Beeping) Zone Trouble Indication
No AC Power Indication
What it means: When “NO AC” is displayed on the Keypad’s message window, it means the electrical power to
the system has been interrupted, and the system is drawing power from one or more of its backup batteries. This can
happen if the power is off to your home. It can also happen if one or more of the system components (the keypads or
Signal Extenders) are without electrical power. The batteries can provide power to the system for up to 24 hours.
1) If you have no power to your home, wait for the electrical power to be restored. Once this happens, the system
automatically switches back to its electrical source. The backup batteries recharge for the next 24 hours.