Installation Instructions

Boot Mode Solid Yellow
Downloading Firmware Fast Flashing Yellow
No Network Connection Yellow/Red Alternating
Network, but not connected to IBP Yellow/Green Alternating
Connected to IBP, Not Activated Flashing Green
Connected to IBP, Activated Solid Green (successful activation, transition state)
Normal Mode
Disarmed – Ready to Arm Solid Blue
Disarmed – Not Ready to Arm Solid Yellow
Armed- Any Solid Red
Alarm, Exit Alarm Flashing Red
Entry Delay, Exit Delay, Exit Error Flashing Orange
Trouble-Any Flashing Yellow
USB Connector
Warning. The Base includes a USB connector on the rear panel. This USB connector is for
factory use only. No user functions are accessible via this USB connector. This USB connector
does not provide any power to a connected device.
External Cellular Antenna Connector
The Base includes an internal 3G cellular radio. This cellular radio requires activation in order to
operate. You must purchase cellular service from LifeShield in order to activate this cellular
radio. It is not possible to activate this cellular radio to your existing wireless plans that you may
have already.
The cellular radio is shipped with an internal antenna. In most cases, this antenna is sufficient to
connect to local cell towers. If you are not close to a tower, and the cellular radio cannot reliably
connect to the cell tower, you may need to connect an external cellular antenna. Please contact
customer service for price and availability of an external cellular antenna.
The Base includes an integrated 6600 mAH LiIon battery designed to operate the Base for 24
hours upon loss of AC power. The Battery pack model number is LS6600. The battery is not user
replaceable. Please note that the Base is shipped in a deep sleep mode (like a smart phone or
tablet), with very little power draw and a partial charge on the battery. When the Base is first
plugged into AC power, the Base will automatically begin normal operations. It may take 24 to
48 hours for the battery to reach full charge. While the battery is initially charging, some
operations like 3G cellular transmission may be limited due to insufficient battery charge. If the
battery ever becomes fully discharged, the battery will again require 24-48 hours to reach full
charge. During normal operation, the Base automatically maintains the charging of the battery
and there is no action required on your part.