User's Manual

LigoWave Page 41
Figure 47 – OLED Control
Enable OLED – select to enable or disable OLED on the PTP unit.
PIN required – select to enable or disable OLED protection with PIN.
PIN – enter 4 digits for OLED protection.
Firmware Upgrade
To update your device firmware use the Firmware upgrade section under the Maintenance menu,
select the firmware file and click the Upload button:
Figure 48 – Firmware Upload on the System
Current version – displays version of the current firmware.
Upload firmware – click the button to select the new firmware image for uploading it to the device..
The device system firmware upgrade is compatible with all configuration settings. When the device is
upgraded with a newer version or the same version builds, all the system’s configuration will be
preserved after the upgrade.
The new firmware image is uploaded to the controller’s temporary memory. It is necessary to save the
firmware into the device permanent memory. Click the Upgrade button:
Figure 49 – Firmware Upgrade
Upgrade – upgrade device with the uploaded image and reboot the system.
Do not switch off and do not disconnect the device from the power supply during the
firmware update process as the device could be damaged.