User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Technical Description & Configuration Guide Configuration and Management
LigoWave Page 22
Figure 14 Web Interface - Main Window with Section Numbering
Command Execution
 Figure 15 Web Interface - IP Configuration Page with
Numbering. The entire page is divided into smaller fragments:
1. The header of page;
2. Sub-header of single type configuration parameters;
3. Execution controls related to a single type configuration parameters.
4. Execute configuration button executes configuration changes only on the local side LigoPTP
24 FODU, but Execute for both executes configuration changes on both remote and local
side LigoPTP 24 FODUs. Enabling rollback feature allows going back to previous configuration
in case of management connectivity loss.
5. Write to config file cfg write
6. Configuration parameter name;
7. Configuration parameter current value;
8. Comments (not on every page).
Execute for both is available in Main configuration section, configuring simultaneously the local and
remote side radio, modem or ATPC parameters only. Connection between both management CPUs
must be established in order to complete successfully configuration execution for both sides.
Rollback on feature is intended to maintain connectivity of the LigoPTP 24 link by cancelling last
erroneous configuration changes and reverting to previous successful configuration used. Rollback will
activate only if you lose connection to WEB interface of LigoPTP 24 FODU after configuration changes
applied, and reverting process will take approx. 3 minutes.