User's Manual

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1 Before You Begin
Carefully remove and inspect the package contents. Refer to the Package Checklist below.
Please adhere to the following Safety Considerations.
The PTC-3000 family must be professionally installed and must ensure a minimum
separation distance listed below between the radiating structure and any person.
Note that with PTC-3000 RF Board Fixed installation with highest gain antenna of 14.1dBi,
the antenna of the product, under normal use condition, should be at 2.08 m away from the
body of any user for fixed installation.
Note that with PTC-3000 RF Board Mobile installation with highest gain antenna of 5.2dBi,
the antenna of the product, under normal use condition, should be at 1.41 m away from the
body of any user for mobile installation.
Note that with PTC-3004 Fixed installation with highest gain antenna of 14.1dBi, the
antenna of the product, under normal use condition, should be at 2.5 m away from the body
of any user for fixed installation. Note that PTC-3004 RF exposure limits apply to all PTC-
3000 family.
Note that with PTC-3004 Mobile installation with highest gain antenna of 5.2dBi, the antenna
of the product, under normal use condition, should be at 1.74 m away from the body of any
user for mobile installation. Note that PTC-3004 RF exposure limits apply to all PTC-3000
The output power for fixed stations is factory set max limit at 45.5dBm on 220MHz antenna
ports. The maximum EIRP is 50.4dBm based on max gain antenna of 14.1dBi and cable
loss of 9.2dB. If user/installer exceeds this max EIRP, the installer must increase cable loss
and/or lower power accordingly. Note that output power is variable, and the actual power is
chosen at the time installation depending on cable losses, Antenna height and gain and
terrain as per FCC/ IC licensing procedures.
The output power for mobile stations is factory set max limit at 44.5dBm on 220MHz
antenna ports. The EIRP is is 46.9dBm based on max gain antenna of 5.2dBi and cable loss
of 2.8dB. If user/installer exceeds this max EIRP, the installer must increase cable loss
and/or lower power accordingly. Note that output power is variable, and the actual power is
chosen at the time installation depending on cable losses, Antenna height and gain and
terrain as per FCC/ IC licensing procedures.
The concentrated energy from an antenna may pose a health hazard. People should not be
in front of the antenna when the transmitter is operating. The installer of this equipment must