User's Manual

Page 38 of 28
How to use the app
The Desk Control App consists of 3 different tabs to navigate between; “Control”, “You” and “Settings”
Adjustment of the desk (if supported by connected device)
Statistics of the usage of the desk
All settings
This is the landing page after the Bluetooth
connection is established. The functionality of the control page
depends on the product to which app is connected. The screen below is when the app is connected to a
“full version” of a DPG or Bluetooth
Adapter. When the connection is with a “Limited version” of the DPG
or Bluetooth
Adapter; The adjustment of the desk trough the app will not be possible and the memory
positions will only be for saving the positions not adjusting to them via the app. The graphics will adjust to the
Up/down drive
Moves the application upwards/downwards while pressing and holding the button.
Leads back to “Desks nearby” and lets the user connect to another product in pairing mode
DESK 1234
Current height of the desk
Interactive application drawing
Save up to 4 memory positions
Quick view: Progress in daily goal
Up/down drive of the desk
device connected
Current height of the desk
Interactive application drawing
Save up to 4 memory positions
device connected
Quick view: Progress in daily goal
Up/down drive of the desk