User's Manual

The transmitter automatically and randomly generates a six-digit hex code (characters 0 – 9 and A – F),
which it uses for encryption and remembers even when the transmitter is turned off. The only way to
“lose” this code is to turn the [CRYPTO] page to [OFF]. The code may be seen only once, by pressing
SELECT button immediately after setting [CRYPTO] to [ON]; it will appear on the backlit display
for two minutes or until the
SELECT button is pressed again to go to the next page. As soon as SELECT
is pressed for the second time, the transmitter will go into encrypted mode.
To transfer the encryption code to the associated XD-V75 receiver that is set to the same channel, the
receiver must be on the encryption page. Press the SETUP button to go to [SELECT FUNCTION] and
scroll with the
ROTARY ENCODER to [ENCRYPTION], then press the encoder to enter that function.
Scroll with the
ROTARY ENCODER to go to [MODE: AUTO SENSE / NEW KEY 1: xxxxxx], with the
cursor underlining the letter A. If you need to go to [NEW KEY 2], pressing the
once more will advance the cursor to the number 1, and turning the encoder will go to number 2.
Pressing the
ROTARY ENCODER one more time will advance it to the first character of the six-digit
code, which will flash and change as the encoder is turned.
NEW KEY1: xxxxxx
Note, Two encryption key “slots” are provided on the receiver, so that you can use two encrypted
transmitters at different times with the same receiver – for example, having a handheld and beltpack at
the ready for a receiver. The encryption keys are generated at the transmitter, so they will be different
for each one; use [NEW KEY 1] for the first and [NEW KEY 2] for the second.
The easiest way to transfer the encryption code to the receiver is to have the transmitter nearby (no
more than a few feet away from) the receiver, and put the receiver into encryption mode described
above before generating the code in the transmitter. When the code is displayed in the transmitter
display, press and continue holding the
ON/MUTE on the handheld or VALUE on the beltpack to
transmit the code to the receiver; you will see Snd appear in the transmitter display. At the same time,
while on the receiver’s [MODE: AUTO SENSE] page with the cursor on the first digit of the code, press
ROTARY ENCODER after the transmitter completes transmitting the code to the receiver, then
release the button on the transmitter.
Note, After the transmitter has been set to encryption mode, the main display page will show the letters
CR in place of the normal CH to indicate that transmissions are encrypted.
Alternately, the code can be manually transferred to the receiver. Either write down the code from
the transmitter display and later enter it into the receiver on the [ENCRYPTION] page, or bring the
transmitter to the receiver during the two minutes the code is displayed and manually enter what is on
its display. To manually enter an encryption code from the [MODE: AUTO SENSE / KEY 1 (or 2):
xxxxxx] screen, press the
ROTARY ENCODER until it is on the first x character which will flash, and
then turn the
ROTARY ENCODER until the desired character appears. Press the encoder again and the
next character can be changed. Continue this process until the last character has been entered, and
then press the
ROTARY ENCODER one last time to store the code.
NEW KEY1: 54Axxx