Firmware, Drivers & Software

Table Of Contents
Impulses List
The Librarian's Impulses list displays all Impulse Response les (along with
respective ID numbers in the left column) that currently reside on your POD Go device.
Initially, this Impulses list is empty, awaiting your import of Impulse Response les.
IR Index Numbers
Selected IR
Loaded IR
The Impulses list
Helix, HX, and Helix Native Plug-in Users: Any IR les used with POD Go can
also be used by all Line 6 Helix and HX devices, as well as Helix Native plug-in!
What are Impulse Responses?
Impulse Responses (or “IRs”) that can be used in POD Go are audio les that are the
result of capturing the sound of a test tone (frequency sweep) through a guitar or bass
amp speaker cabinet, which has been deconvolved with the original tone signal. This
represents the frequency response of the miked cabinet itself, and can be used to
simulate the way it alters the sound. This is similar to a convolution reverb, but with a
much shorter decay.
Choose the IR type category within the Cab/IR block to provide speaker cabinet
simulation for your preset. Numerous companies now oer large selections of
professionally recorded IR les that can be used in POD Go, or you can even do some
research on how to record and create your own. Feel free to jump on your favorite
guitar gear forums and join the ongoing, sometimes heated, discussions about the
best and most realistic IRs, and methods to create them.
You can also nd some IRs that were created using this convolution process to
capture the properties of acoustic guitar bodies, guitar pickups and other sources.
These IRs can certainly be used in the POD Go IR block as well, to allow even deeper
tone sculpting!
TIP: Line 6 oers a free pack of IRs from Allure. You can grab them now at http://
You can also nd a great selection of IRs, specically created for POD Go and Helix
family products, on the Marketplace—see page 34.
IR Formats and Restrictions
The following IR le types are supported.
Helix Impulse Response (.hir) - This is the proprietary Line 6 IR le format.
IRs purchased through the Line 6 Marketplace are of this le type, and
supported by Line 6 Helix/HX devices, Helix Native plug-in, as well as POD
Go. (Please also see “Marketplace & Account Options” on page 34.)
WAV (.wav) - Most IR producers and vendors typically oer IRs in the .wav
format. It is possible to import a mono or stereo .wav le IR, regardless of
its bit depth, length, or sample rate frequency. While this is very convenient,
please be careful to import only .wav les that were created specically for
use as IRs, not just any audio .wav le, or you may experience unexpected
sonic results.
Importing and Exporting Impulse Responses
To access the IRs stored on your POD Go device, click on the Impulses folder at the
top of the Librarian panel. From here you will be presented with a list of up to 128 IR
locations and their index numbers. You’ll want to import all IRs you plan on utilizing
within your presets into this Impulses library list.
NOTE: Premium IRs purchased from Marketplace are also imported & exported
using the following steps. It is required that you have authorized your computer,
and that you are signed in to your Line 6 account in POD Go Edit to initially import or
export them. Once imported into POD Go Edit, no active Internet connection is
necessary to utilize your Marketplace IRs. Please see for “Marketplace & Account
Options” on page 34 details.
To Import an IR, rst select the desired index location in the application's Impulses
list and, from the File menu (or IR slot’s right-click menu), choose Import. Select the
desired IR le you wish to load onto your device. It is also possible to select multiple
IR les and all will be imported in one action.
To Export an IR, rst select the desired index location in the application’s Impulses
list and from the File menu (or IR slot’s right-click menu), choose Export.
You can also drag and drop to and from the Impulses list to export and import IRs—
see the following section.
NOTE: When exporting IRs from the POD Go Edit Impulses list, any
Marketplace-purchased IR is saved to your computer as a Helix IR (.hir) type
le. The .hir les are proprietary to Line 6 products, and licensed to you via the Line
6 Account on which you purchased them. Any IR that was originally imported as a
.wav le is exported as a .wav le.
TIP: Use the File menu's Create Backup & Restore From Backup options to
create a backup of your Impulses list's contents, and restore from the backup, at
any time—see “Creating & Restoring Complete Device Backups”.