Firmware, Drivers & Software

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To load an IR using the IR block’s Edit panel options, select the IR block within the
Signal Flow, then in the Edit panel, use the IR Select parameter slider (or its menu
button at the right) to select IR index number (1-128) that includes the desired IR.
Please also see “IR File Reference” for additional behaviors.
Choosing an IR by its Library (1-128) index number within the Editor
You can use the other IR block parameter sliders in the Edit panel to further shape the
IR's tone (Low Cut, High Cut, Level, etc.)—also see “Editing Model Parameters” on
page 21. Once done selecting an IR and its parameter options, be sure to save the
preset to retain your IR block settings.
Whenever you load a preset where its IR block references an empty IR index location,
or if the originally associated IR le that was last saved with this preset can no longer
be found within your IR library list, a pop-up is displayed to alert you.
Empty or missing IR alert pop-up
To avoid seeing the above alert, the best practice is to always make sure to load an
actual IR for your IR block (rather than leave the block assigned to an “Empty” IR slot),
then save your preset.
IR File Reference
Once the preset’s IR block is congured to utilize an IR index slot that includes an
imported IR (.wav or .hir) le, and the preset is then saved, the preset creates a
“reference signature” to the imported IR from its le name. Therefore, if you re-order
IRs within the IR library list, your preset will still intelligently reference the originally
associated IR le, even though it now resides in a dierent IR Library index location.
The following behaviors apply:
If you clear or replace the IR le within the IR index slot for which the preset’s
IR block is congured to use, upon the load of the preset, the IR block will rst
attempt to locate another instance of the missing, associated IR le within the
Impulses list and automatically utilize it and its residing index slot.
If the congured IR index slot is currently empty, you’ll be alerted that the
IR block’s associated IR le cannot be found (see previous section). The IR
block continues to utilize the same (now empty) IR index slot. You’ll want to
congure the IR block to utilize an occupied IR index slot (or import an IR
into the currently referenced slot) and save the preset.
If the original IR le is cleared from the Library and the IR index slot now
includes a dierent IR le, you’ll be alerted that the associated IR cannot be
found, and the IR block utilizes this new IR le within the congured index
slot. You’ll need to save the preset with this reference to the new IR (or
congure the IR block to use a dierent, occupied IR slot) to avoid seeing
the alert pop-up on future loads of the preset.
Once an IR block is congured with an IR Library index selection, and the
preset is then saved, the IR (.wav or .hir) le retains this reference signature
when exported from the library—thus, even if you import the exported IR le
again into any index slot within your Impulses Library, the saved preset’s IR
block will still be able to locate and utilize it.*
Yes, the above rules all sound a bit complicated, but in typical use, all this really just
means that if you happen to move your IRs around in the IR Library list, your saved
presets will not lose their links to them!
NOTE: We highly recommend using the Create Backup feature within POD Go
Edit to make it easy to restore your complete preset and IR libraries (see page
16). Immediately after performing a Restore From Backup, it is also best to power
your device o and on again and allow all presets to “rebuild,” for best preset
performance and IR le reference functionality.